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Benefits of Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy has long been recognized for it's many benefits to both the body and the mind. "What can massage do for me?", you might ask. Well, the answer is many things. Massage therapy can be used as a means of increasing relaxation, managing pain, improving flexibility & muscle performance, decreasing the effects of stress and improving ones immunity among other things. Why not schedule a massage today and see what it can do for YOU? :) 
Physical benefits


--lowers blood pressure

--decreases heart rate

--improves circulation

--increases immunity

--helps with many ailments

--decreases healing time of injuries

--reduces muscle tension

--increases range of motion

--improves flexibility

-- reduces inflammation

--promotes more restful sleep

--improves posture

--promotes deeper, easier breathing

Mental benefits


--promotes relaxation

--decreases anxiety

--helps combat depression

--improves energy levels

--reduces fatigue

--improves concentration

--Enhances self-image and self-worth

--Increases awareness of the mind-body connection



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